What do gratitude journals, positive affirmations, exercise, good eating habits, being in nature and watching comedies all have in common? These are but a few of the ways we can make positive change in our lives through neuroplasticity. By replacing negative thoughts or behaviors with positive routines, we can change the neural pathways of our brains for the better. How cool is that?!
The World Health Organization and neuroscientists have dedicated more than a decade to the study of the brain. Neuroscientists have discovered that the adult brain is not “static” as once believed. It can reorganize itself and change throughout our lives, even as we age. We have the ability to make change through our environment, thoughts, behaviours and emotions. The term Neuroplasticity is used to describe this function of the brain.
The following youtube video depicts a basic explanation of neuroplasticity.
Neuroplastic change is individualized and it may take longer for some people to create new pathways. There have been times in my life when positive change has been a struggle for one reason or another. Consistent behavioral change, and practice, is key. Muscle memory has also been a struggle for me especially when trying to learn a new line dance. I could frequently be seen facing the wrong direction when learning a new dance! Now I understand my struggles after learning more about neuroplasticity! We all learn differently and at our own pace.
How can you meet Neuroplasticity head on?
DR. Lara Boyd explains this process in depth during her TEDx.
How can you meet Neuroplasticity head on?
DR. Lara Boyd explains this process in depth during her TEDx.
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