Friday, January 6, 2017

SELF CARE-This is the time to start taking care of yourself like you take care of others! Is there something you can do on a regular basis that is just for YOU? Start small and easy. Jot down a measurable goal that is realistic for you and give it a try. Maybe it is spending 15 minutes in nature, 3-5 times a week. Try it for a few weeks and then reflect about what happened. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work like you wanted it to. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.
I found this very difficult when I first started practicing self care. I always came up with an excuse for not taking care of myself. One thing that worked for me was going somewhere for 15 minutes before I headed home from work. I live in a coastal town so I drove to the beach and sat quietly for 15 minutes. This helped me reboot for whatever was happening at home.
I would love to hear about the things you do to practice self care.


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