Monday, July 10, 2017


Being your authentic self, is a true gift, in a world where things aren't always as they seem. Embrace your true self!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mix It Up!

Life can become such a routine that we miss so many wonderful things in front of us. When we walk the same path, woods, street or hallway, we tend to shield our senses without even realizing it. When we do something the same way, over and over again, things can become stale and boring. Think about sitting in the same spot for lunch, with the same people and the same view? What could you be missing?
I recently started walking in the morning instead of after dinner. (Sometimes I do both).  I walk the same beach but I now have a completely different view and perspective.  First of all, it is early morning and the people walking have a different skip to their stride.  I find myself experiencing a different attitude as well.  It truly is a great way to start the day.  Even the wildlife seems different as they start their day.
The sun rising is such a contrast to the setting sun.  The rising sun brings a sense of joy and hope for the new day.  I notice so many things on my walk that I don't usually notice at night. Probably because I am not as tired and my senses are peaked instead of dulled.
What can you do to mix it up a bit?  Try taking a different route to work or park in a different spot. Take a different path to the cafeteria or start your walk in the opposite direction.  Notice the changes you see.  Maybe you could try sitting at a new spot for lunch, church or at the concert in the park.
Awaken the senses and see what happens.

A rare find on this beach