Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Power of Vulnerability

I attended a nursing conference last week and the theme was integrative health.  One of the presenters spoke of Brene Brown and the power of vulnerability. Brown is a researcher who studied Connection.  I heard this title and it peaked my interest.  I often struggle with this concept and it made me want to learn more.  I found her Ted Talk and I want to share it with you.
Brene speaks of courage as coming from the heart.  She speaks of imperfection, of being kind to yourself, and the importance of connection.  Brown made a statement about connection that I felt was profound.  She said, "Connection is the power to let go of who you think you should be."  WOW! That is a powerful statement.
If you have some time, check out this Tedx.  She speaks from the heart and with humor.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

An Average Life

  Trying to achieve Society's definition of success is not always easy and can lead to stress. Look within your heart to see how wonderful an "average" life can be.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Letting Go of Preconceived Ideas!

How often do you go somewhere or do something with preconceived ideas?  Maybe you've been invited to a party but you don't go.  You think you won't have a good time, or you won't know many people there.  Or you have a meeting to go to and you don't think it will go well.  You have all these thoughts in your head and you dread going.  On the other hand, maybe you've anticipated an event and you've built it up to be something exceptional.  When you attend the event, you are disappointed because it didn't go as you planned.

I recently went to a meeting where I was expected to draw a vase of flowers.  I've never been comfortable drawing; my talent ends with doodling!  At first, I struggled with the task.  I had this preconceived idea in my head and I was resisting the task.  But then, I listened to the instructions and let go of the negative thoughts.  I let my hand flow in the moment and without judgement.  The result was a piece of artwork that made me excited!  I was proud of what I had created.

It's amazing what can happen when we let go of preconceived ideas or thoughts.  Let go, be in the moment and see what happens!