Friday, August 17, 2018

A Slice of Heaven

I awaken to a dark cloudy sky. I quickly go to the loft to view the lake, my favorite lookout.

The sky is gray and the lake smoke is heavy. I know that this will last but a short while. I grab some coffee, sit on the couch and wait. The lake smoke twists and turns in the dance I know so well. This is my happy place and I wait. 

I feel the pressure drain from my body. I feel the sensation of pure joy in my heart space. I notice my chest swell with happiness. 

I watch for patterns, shapes, and messages in the smoke. It travels left, then right and upwards to the pines. Is that a heart I see? Gradually I see the reflection of the pines in the lake as the smoke moves and lifts. The lake is like glass. How appropriate for its name, Mirror Lake!

I hear but one call of the loon that habitats the lake. Is there a family? Is it all alone? Will I get to see it during my stay here? It welcomes me to this blissful morn. 

What is it about this place that brings such joy? Is it a respite from my everyday routine? The mountains? The lake? Is it memories of good times? Or is it the precious time alone when I can just “be” and indulge in my senses.

The loon is calling out and I have yet to see him. It is a sound common to the lake but most uncommon to what I hear at home. It is a peaceful sound and I wonder what it is saying.

The sun’s rays peek through the pines as the smoke disappears. What will today bring? 

For now, I start my day in utter awe as I sit in the loft and gaze through the window to the lake.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Art Is Everywhere.


Happy New Year to all! It is a balmy -5 degrees but it feels like -20F outside.  Jack Frost delivered a fine gift of art this chilly morning and I am grateful to have seen it.  This year I will work harder to see the beauty in ALL things by taking a different perspective.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter Fun!

Grateful for fun filled, winter days.  Making snow angels always makes me smile!

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Choice is Yours....


Forget  Everything And Run

Face Everything And Rise

The choice is yours..... 

~Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

You Are Worth It!

Treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. 
Appreciate who you are, right here, right now!
You are worth it.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Power Within

A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of it's persistence.
-Jim Watkins


Take hold of your power within.  No one can take it away.  Be like the river in times of difficulty.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Keeping Your Gaze to the Clouds

When was the last time you sat quietly and gazed at the clouds above? I used to do this as a child, living in the moment.  Now, I have to make time to sit quietly and observe what is around me.  It's fun, and sometimes quite amazing to see random shapes or scenes in the clouds.  All you have to do is be observant.  Take time on your walk to look around you.  Find a comfy spot and observe.  Better yet, do this with a friend, or family member.  Children have great imaginations.  Find a child and share the experience.  Enjoy a different point of view,  laughter, quiet times and  togetherness.
What is envisioned is "All in the eye of the beholder."

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Lesson from Pooh.

This challenges me on so many levels!

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you.  You have to go to them sometimes."
--A.A. Milne, Winnie-the Pooh

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Change and Flexibility

Change is an interesting thing.  Many people do not like it, others tolerate it, and some embrace it.  This holiday weekend has been about change and flexibility in so many ways.  First of all, I was supposed to go to Florida for the weekend.  The hotel said they were ready for me despite the hurricane that hit Florida.  "Everything was up and running."...  until it wasn't.  They didn't tell me until a few days before I was due to leave, that the hotel was running with only 50% of their rooms.  And my room was not among that 50%!  I could have been angry (due to unmet expectations), or I could make other plans.  Luckily I was traveling with my sister who was instrumental at getting compensated for our flight and room.

New plan-Lets head up north and go leaf peeping.  Columbus Day weekend is a crazy time to head north, but we decided to go, knowing flexibility would be key.  You see...rain was in the forecast.  We watched the weather predictions and planned our day accordingly. We headed north and made stops along the way.  One day we left home base early and headed to Burlington.  We had clouds, rain, then intermittent sun.  If it rained, we donned our raincoats and explored. We ate lunch overlooking Church Street.  It was parents weekend for local colleges and the market was filled with students and their parents. Street musicians played their music under the protection of a tree.  It was fun to see the crowd despite the ever changing weather. 

Following My Heart
The next day we took our time and headed out on our adventure late morning.  It was raining again but we had a plan.  The sun was due to shine later in the day.  What if we drove to the busiest highway for foliage viewing, the Kancamagus Scenic Byway,  while it was raining?  No one would go there in bad weather.  If we were lucky, the sun would shine as we arrived!  (There is always bumper to bumper traffic on this weekend). Well-it worked.  We had the road practically to ourselves.  The sun shone through the foliage and we were blessed.

Plans were made and changed as we went along our day.  Usually, the changes turned out much better than we thought they would. Opportunities arrived and we took them.  We had no expectations, therefore no disappointment.

Change-We can fight it, tolerate it or embrace it.  This weekend I embraced change and I am grateful I did.

Monday, October 2, 2017


I had an amazing thing happen to me, two weeks in a row, at the same place.  It happened while doing one of my least favorite chores, grocery shopping!  I usually do my shopping closer to home, but the last two weeks I went to another town.  Same chain, different town.  This was my last chore of a busy day and I just wanted to hurry through it.  Who would have thought that I would leave the store with a renewed sense of hope and a spring in my step?

Week one: I met a family consisting of three generations.  As I was shopping, I heard an old song over the intercom that made me "dance" as I shopped.  I didn't really realize what I was doing until a woman made a comment of how happy I seemed.  I told her it was the music that made me feel good.  We had a short interchange and went along our business of shopping.  As I moved from aisle to aisle I continued to run into this family.  Sometimes the woman and I would just look at each other and smile.  I then started to hear the young children call out, "Look-it's the happy lady!."  That surprised me and made me stop.  I spoke to the children and tried to get them to listen to the beat of the music.

This interaction continued as I went up and down each aisle.  The children pointed and commented about the happy lady.  (I no longer was moving to the music but I did have a different spring to my step.)  As I was going through the checkout, I could see the family four checkouts over.  The young girl was pointing and waving.  The grandmother was smiling and the mother wasn't sure what was happening.

After we all paid for our groceries we met up to say goodbye and to exchange a few words.  The grandmother stated that I gave her a renewed hope for humanity.  Whoa, I thought!  She said that she is saddened by the way people are afraid to make eye contact.  "It's like everyone is afraid to speak to another," she said.  The children were a little surprised by all this interaction.  "Do you know each other?", they asked.  It became a teachable moment in connections.  The mother of the children was a dialysis nurse.  She said she makes connections at work but I think this was a little different for her.

I'm a hugger and I asked the grandmother if we could exchange a hug.  "Most definitely", she said.  The mother said she was a hugger also, and we too, exchanged an embrace.

Week two:  A gentleman lets me pass in the parking lot of the same grocery store as mentioned earlier.  As I passed, he gave me a wave.  My first thought was that he must have mistaken me for someone he knew!  I waved a thank you.   We each picked up a few things and ended up at the same checkout.  As I counted my items he started chatting.  We spoke of the busy day and the football game that we were both shopping for.  As we spoke, the cashier looked on with intrigue.  The young cashier spoke of how busy it was and how he wishes he was somewhere else.  The gentleman and I mentioned how it helps to "chat it up" when doing something you wish we weren't.  I had a brief yet meaningful encounter with yet another stranger.  We thanked each other for the fine conversation and wished each other a great weekend.  He reached over and gave me a hug.  The cashier couldn't understand what was happening!  This became another teachable moment.  Creating a connection, no matter how small can make someone's day.  A smile, eye contact and wishing someone a good day can change the attitude of both involved.  There is no need to have a longer interaction or to embrace anyone.  Being open and welcoming is all it takes!

Monday, September 25, 2017


How often do you greet someone as you pass them during your day?  Make today the day you look up as you walk, look someone in the eye and say hello.  Add a little smile and maybe you will start a chain reaction.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Fall-A Time of Change

A new day has dawned with fragments of night. Embrace the good of yesterday while enjoying the grandeur of today.

It was a beautiful sunny day on my morning walk on the beach.  I could feel a change in the air as the summer beach season was coming to an end.  I could feel the warm sun on my back as I noticed the lingering moon of the night before.  I also noticed the, ever so slight, change in color of some of the leaves in the tree. Change is coming whether it be internal or external.  Take time to be still so that you may recognize the change coming.  Tune into your heart and listen to what it has to say.

Monday, July 10, 2017


Being your authentic self, is a true gift, in a world where things aren't always as they seem. Embrace your true self!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mix It Up!

Life can become such a routine that we miss so many wonderful things in front of us. When we walk the same path, woods, street or hallway, we tend to shield our senses without even realizing it. When we do something the same way, over and over again, things can become stale and boring. Think about sitting in the same spot for lunch, with the same people and the same view? What could you be missing?
I recently started walking in the morning instead of after dinner. (Sometimes I do both).  I walk the same beach but I now have a completely different view and perspective.  First of all, it is early morning and the people walking have a different skip to their stride.  I find myself experiencing a different attitude as well.  It truly is a great way to start the day.  Even the wildlife seems different as they start their day.
The sun rising is such a contrast to the setting sun.  The rising sun brings a sense of joy and hope for the new day.  I notice so many things on my walk that I don't usually notice at night. Probably because I am not as tired and my senses are peaked instead of dulled.
What can you do to mix it up a bit?  Try taking a different route to work or park in a different spot. Take a different path to the cafeteria or start your walk in the opposite direction.  Notice the changes you see.  Maybe you could try sitting at a new spot for lunch, church or at the concert in the park.
Awaken the senses and see what happens.

A rare find on this beach

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Spring Renewal

It's that time of year again and it's time for many new beginnings.  All around us we see new growth, new birds and spring flowers.  I don't know about you, but I love to see the first spring flower pop through the soil.  I anxiously await for the next perennial to bloom so that it may shed it's beauty upon us.
But with this rebirth and newness can come some struggle.  Many suffer with allergies during this time of rebirth and renewal.  Others work the soil and feel the discomfort in their body after using muscles that have not been used in a while. We adapt to the struggle in the new surroundings while we enjoy the beauty around us.

This is also a time of change and rebirth in our own personal lives.  What new things have you looked forward to, only to find a struggle before the joy of rebirth?  Maybe it is a new project, a new job, a new routine.  What tools do you have to help you get through the rough patches?  Remember to take take time for yourself.  Try spending some quality time in your own company in order to renew and recharge.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Power of Vulnerability

I attended a nursing conference last week and the theme was integrative health.  One of the presenters spoke of Brene Brown and the power of vulnerability. Brown is a researcher who studied Connection.  I heard this title and it peaked my interest.  I often struggle with this concept and it made me want to learn more.  I found her Ted Talk and I want to share it with you.
Brene speaks of courage as coming from the heart.  She speaks of imperfection, of being kind to yourself, and the importance of connection.  Brown made a statement about connection that I felt was profound.  She said, "Connection is the power to let go of who you think you should be."  WOW! That is a powerful statement.
If you have some time, check out this Tedx.  She speaks from the heart and with humor.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

An Average Life

  Trying to achieve Society's definition of success is not always easy and can lead to stress. Look within your heart to see how wonderful an "average" life can be.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Letting Go of Preconceived Ideas!

How often do you go somewhere or do something with preconceived ideas?  Maybe you've been invited to a party but you don't go.  You think you won't have a good time, or you won't know many people there.  Or you have a meeting to go to and you don't think it will go well.  You have all these thoughts in your head and you dread going.  On the other hand, maybe you've anticipated an event and you've built it up to be something exceptional.  When you attend the event, you are disappointed because it didn't go as you planned.

I recently went to a meeting where I was expected to draw a vase of flowers.  I've never been comfortable drawing; my talent ends with doodling!  At first, I struggled with the task.  I had this preconceived idea in my head and I was resisting the task.  But then, I listened to the instructions and let go of the negative thoughts.  I let my hand flow in the moment and without judgement.  The result was a piece of artwork that made me excited!  I was proud of what I had created.

It's amazing what can happen when we let go of preconceived ideas or thoughts.  Let go, be in the moment and see what happens!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Making Memories

Is there something you want to do or try but are reluctant to do so?  Who, or what, is holding you back?  Is it really impossible, not the right time, or too expensive?  So frequently we make excuses for why something cannot be done.  Now is the time to take charge and try something new. Maybe it is about creating memories. Make a plan, write it down and make it come to fruition.  Traveling has always been my dream.  Experiencing new cultures and visiting places I've never been, brings wonder to my life.  Here are a few photos of Amsterdam and surrounding areas.  Visiting Keukenhof has been a dream of mine.  I am so thankful to have experienced it along with other treasures in Amsterdam.

Hanging out with Rembrant 
Amsterdam Canals

Family Commute

Monday, April 17, 2017

Taking My Own Advice

Practicing some self care and living a dream!  Spending quality time exploring nature in Iceland.  Now is the time to enjoy life.


Katla Geopark